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a bit of vision and elbow grease

– 415 Larkwood Rd in San Antonio, Texas –

Ever Come Across a house that screams potential but looks like it’s stuck in the past?

That was 415 Larkwood. The seller had inherited this old gem but couldn’t afford to keep it. Located in a high-demand area, it was an ugly duckling waiting to become a swan.

Here’s the deal: the house had an ARV (After Repaired Value) of $230,000. We negotiated it down to $137,000.

At first glance, it seemed like a huge undertaking. But where others saw a mess, we saw an opportunity. All it needed was a bit of vision and a lot of elbow grease.

We knew exactly what this house needed: a complete overhaul.

The kitchen and bathroom were first on the list. We gutted them, added a second full bathroom, and brought everything up to modern standards. Sounds ambitious? It was.

But with the help of a private investor who lent us $155,000, we made it happen. This loan covered most of the purchase and repair costs, setting us up for success.

Here’s how the numbers played out for our private money lender:

The transformation was incredible.

Once we listed 415 Larkwood on the MLS, it took just five days to get a contract for $228,000. And here’s the kicker: the closing is set for October 9, and our Private Money Lender stands to make a cool $7,750 in just four months.

Not bad, right?

So, what’s the takeaway here?

This project at 415 Larkwood is proof that with the right strategy, vision, and partnerships, you can turn any property into a profitable venture. It’s not just about flipping houses—it’s about revitalizing neighborhoods, providing beautiful homes, and delivering solid returns for investors. This project is a prime example of strategic investment and the undeniable value of being a Private Money Lender in real estate.

What other private money lenders are thinking

Mark C., Private Lender

“I have loaned money to Steve many times over the past several years and he has ALWAYS done what he said he was going to do through thick and thin.”

– Mark C., Private Lender


(210) 741-8586